Vets Whole In One - Knights Of Columbus Sponsored Tournament
Thank you to the Knights Of Columbus for Sponsoring such a great event! The Knights volunteers helping out that day were so kind and thoughtful to everyone involved. We had a full field of 36 veteran participants, all of which, played their hearts out. As golf is a fickle game, not all were able to play to their full potential. The mindfulness techniques Stephen teaches us really really came into play for those struggling with their game and for those trying to keep a hot round going.
Luckily, everyone was a winner at lunch and at the awards presentation after the competition! The top three groups received $50 gift certificates donated by three local restaurants (Thank you Guidos! ). Many, if not all, participants received raffle prizes or closest to the pin prizes.
All in All, it was a fun day, with perfect weather and in a beautiful setting. Thank you all for being a part of this great celebration, and a special shout out to, Merging Vets and Players for "bringing it" once again! Thank you to the Heroes Golf Course for your hard work setting up the course for play and hosting Vets Whole In One again for another great event. A special thank you to all the participants, see you at the next one!
Winning Group Martin Hernandez, Joe Anctil, Mike Foote, Paul
Second Place: Fernanda Miranda, Anthony Porter, Denver Morris, AJ Perez
Third Place: Brad Smith, Joey Urrea, Larry Dirlam, Bryce Woods
Ed Fletcher, Bill Miller, Lorena, Rincon, Dr. Salz
Stephen Islas, Fellini, Patrick Ketchum, David Rendon
Gregg Primm, Henry Bob, Martin, Don Max
Marco Medina, Melvin Hilliard, Michael Palacios, Larry Manzo
Mr. D, Nathan Tetreault, Todd Tetreault, Jack Foster
Mac Haymon, Lenny Catandella, Danny Saez, Harry Haygood